Warm wishes from the heart (and soul)

Maybe you’re not a musician. Maybe you don’t have time to serve on a board of directors. Maybe you don’t have family in a care facility. But, just as people in big cities know the value of wilderness, and just as people without animal companions know the value of having a pet, every human spirit knows the healing power of live music.
Heart & Soul is amazingly efficient at wielding this power. With a paid staff of only two, and hundreds of volunteer performers (although we offer a small honorarium, most of the artists donate it back to us!), we now serve fourteen counties in Utah, provide over 1300 shows annually to care communities, and offer a major public music event each summer. Further proof of our stamina, Heart & Soul will celebrate 30 years in 2024!
As 2023 draws to its natural close, so too does my current term as President of the Board of Directors for Heart & Soul. I have been honored to serve Heart & Soul as a performing artist since its inception in 1994, and to serve as a board member in various capacities for 18 of its 30 years. Heart & Soul has always felt like family to me. My own story is not dissimilar to that of our founders, Doug and Janna: A musical family who saw a need that they could meet. This is who we are at Heart & Soul.
Your support makes it possible for Heart & Soul to continue to uplift human spirit through music and performing arts.
Thank you!
-Marlena Lambert
President, Heart & Soul Board of Directors
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