Save the date for the 5th annual Heart & Soul Music Stroll, June 11th, 2016.
June 11th, Saturday, come stroll with your sugar at the Heart & Soul Music Stroll, featuring over 30 of Salt Lake's finest local bands, 3 PM to dusk at 2700 S and Filmore St. in Sugarhouse. Stayed tuned for more details.

Beautiful Dreamer, a Heart & Soul performing group, was featured in Ogden's Standard Examiner. Link to the article is below.
“Beautiful Dreamer” plays Popular American Parlor Music instrumentals: Music from about 1830 to 1930, including Folk songs and Spirituals, Patriotic tunes from the Civil War and WW I eras, and Tin Pan Alley and Broadway tunes.
"Beautiful Dreamer" is: Tia Jaynes, flute and piccolo; Robin Vorkink, oboe and English horn; and Cheryl Ann Blackley, bassoon.
Music begins at 3 p.m. with the Stratford Street Big Band at Imperial Park at the corner of Atkin and Filmore Streets.
40 plus bands will be playing on lawns and
porches along Filmore and Glenmare Streets from 4 - 7 p.m..
We’ll come back together at 7 p.m. at Imperial Park, enjoy great music with the rock n' roll band JABOOM and will announce raffle prize winners at 8 p.m.
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